
Is the unorganized teaching position no longer attractive?


Die Zeit

Die Zeit


This article is from the WeChat official account: Time Weekly (ID: timeweekly). The author: Zeng Siyi, editor: Li Guang. The original title: "The unorganized teacher post is no longer popular in Xiamen? In the industry: what should be tested or what should be tested," some are still crowded ". The title source: Visual China

Article Summary

The article introduces the situation of the cancellation of teacher positions in Xiamen and the adoption of a participation system, as well as related discussions. The article points out that the cancellation of staffing has limited impact on the local education industry, and the high attractiveness of public school salaries still exists.

• •    The cancellation of staffing for teacher positions in Xiamen and the adoption of a participation system have sparked social discussions

• •    Public schools offer high salaries and remain attractive, while teaching positions remain popular

• •    The de staffing of teachers may lead to a shift in educational resources towards private institutions, which needs to be approached with caution

Recently, the topic of Xiamen teacher recruitment being unpopular sparked heated discussions in social media.

The reason is that the Education Bureau of Xiang'an District, Xiamen City recently issued a notice on the cancellation and reduction of some positions for the public recruitment of backbone teachers (April 2024), stating that during the recruitment process of teachers in the region, the ratio of the number of qualified candidates to the number of proposed positions did not reach 3:1, and the recruitment for this position was generally cancelled.

According to the Xiaoxiang Morning News, the Propaganda Department of the Education Bureau of Xiang'an District, Xiamen City, stated in an interview with reporters that the recruitment position does not have any staffing and adopts a participation system.

The so-called "participation system" means that teachers are no longer included in the establishment and are managed under a contract system. The participation system is consistent with positions with established positions in terms of salary and promotion, but the employment and exit mechanisms are more flexible. Some practitioners have expressed that this means the disappearance of the "iron rice bowl" attribute.

As far as the recruitment of teachers in Xiamen is concerned, the cancellation of staffing is only one of the reasons. Mr. Zhang, a family member of a public elementary school teacher in Xiamen, told Time Weekly reporters, "This time we are recruiting backbone teachers, with a high threshold and a relatively remote school location. Coupled with the lack of staffing, it is expected that there will be many people applying if the threshold is lowered.".

A reporter from Time Weekly found that in recent years, there have been frequent voices of teachers being downsized, but very few cities have truly implemented the pilot program. Why was Xiamen the first to implement it? How does the decentralization of teachers affect the local education industry?

Still squeezing the head

"When a teacher is trying to stabilize the chart, the chart is cancelled. What is the chart?"

"I don't have much attachment anymore if I cancel it. Finally, I can go set up a stall."

"The advantage of public schools is stability and staffing. If staffing is cancelled, wouldn't all good teachers go to private schools?"

In recent days, the recruitment of non registered teachers in Xiamen has sparked heated discussions on social media, with some education practitioners stating that after the de registration process, public primary and secondary schools will no longer be "sought after"; Some netizens question whether the de organization of teachers will lead to the flow of high-quality educational resources to private colleges, or may exacerbate educational imbalances; Some students majoring in teacher education also express concerns about the trend of teacher downsizing.

A reporter from Time Weekly found that the de staffing of Xiamen teachers is not the first time it has sparked heated discussions. As early as 2023, the Education Bureau of Xiamen City announced that public primary and secondary schools and vocational schools in Xiamen planned to recruit 1409 teachers. Primary and secondary school teachers will be managed according to the recruitment system of public institutions, known as the "participation system".

However, it is not a one size fits all cancellation of staffing. Some teaching positions offer staffing for fresh doctoral students and public funded normal students, aiming to attract high-end and high-quality teachers.

For the larger group of teacher trainees, the "participation system" is consistent with the establishment position in terms of salary and promotion. "However, if the participation system is implemented, there may be a risk of dismissal in the future, so it is not as stable as the establishment," Mr. Zhang explained.

Has the recruitment of local teachers in Xiamen been cold for the past year since the establishment was transformed into a participation system?

"It may affect a very small number of people, but my friends and I should take the same exam."

Yaya, who works at a private university in Xiamen, has been preparing for public school exams for the past two years. In an interview with Time Weekly, he said that the current "participation system" and equal pay system for teachers in Xiamen are implemented, and "this (participation system) treatment is still very competitive. Many teacher recruitment positions can still be described as" squeezing the head ".

Mr. Zhang also told Time Weekly reporters that taking the public primary school where his family works as an example, after the change of the participation system, the application process remains popular. "It is normal for dozens of people to compete for one position, and there are also hundreds of people competing for one position.".

"Need to be very cautious"

The position of non permanent teacher in Xiamen is still popular, and behind it may be that Xiamen's public primary and secondary schools generally have high salaries.

"Many newly graduated students are admitted with an annual salary of over 200000 yuan, and some even receive generous housing subsidies." Yaya said, with such income levels being quite impressive in Xiamen. This statement has also been confirmed by several local education practitioners and ordinary citizens in Xiamen.

Mr. Zhang added that unlike many private primary and secondary schools in cities where the trend is at the same level or even surpasses that of public institutions, Xiamen's top and even the entire upper middle and upper reaches of primary and secondary schools are all public. Even if they are downsized, the salaries of these public institutions are significantly higher than those of private institutions. Therefore, Xiamen is the first in the country to implement teacher downsizing because it is not a concern for the loss of high-quality teachers.

This statement may not be exaggerated.

A reporter from Time Weekly found that in a teacher recruitment report released by Xiamen Daily at the end of 2023, Xiamen recruited 1468 teachers from primary and secondary schools (including special education schools and secondary vocational schools) for the 2024 cohort of college graduates, all of whom were recruited through a participation system. Some municipal directly affiliated high schools and district education bureaus listed their annual income in recruitment brochures. For example, some municipal directly affiliated schools had an annual income of about 240000 to 260000 yuan after entering and exiting the workforce and becoming regular employees, including after tax and housing provident fund. Many districts also introduced living subsidies such as settling down, purchasing a house, and renting a house.

Regarding the reasons for high salaries, Liu Ping (pseudonym), a senior education industry practitioner in Xiamen, explained in an interview with Time Weekly that from around 2017 to 2018, Xiamen began to strictly implement the provisions of the Teacher Law that "teacher salaries should not be lower than those of local civil servants." In addition, in order to attract high-quality teachers from surrounding areas, the salaries of local public primary and secondary school teachers began to increase significantly, and related positions were clearly more popular.

It can be seen that in recent years, there have been frequent calls for teachers to downsize, but very few cities have truly piloted and implemented it. Xiamen, as one of the cities with the strongest implementation efforts, may have its regional characteristics - the salary and benefits of public universities are attractive enough.

According to interviews with practitioners in public primary and secondary schools in other provinces and cities, a considerable number of in-service teachers, especially in third tier cities, have a monthly income of 3000 to 4000 yuan. There are also many second tier cities where the annual comprehensive income of in-service teachers is less than 100000 yuan. At this time, practitioners will place greater emphasis on the "stable and secure job" attributes of teachers.

If teacher downsizing is implemented, public institutions will greatly reduce the attractiveness of candidates, and teacher training candidates will turn their attention to higher paying private institutions. In other words, an inevitable trend is that high-quality educational resources in relevant regions are inclined towards private institutions.

"The cancellation of teacher positions and the implementation of a participation system is still an exploration in very few regions, so great caution is needed."

Xiong Bingqi, the director of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, stated in an interview with Time Weekly that the cancellation of teacher positions and the implementation of a participation system are aimed at establishing flexible teacher recruitment and exit mechanisms. Supporters believe that this can motivate teachers to work hard and not lie flat due to staffing, and local finance can also reduce pressure; Moreover, with the population decline in recent years, teachers have become more numerous due to a decrease in students, and the participation system allows for flexible adjustments to the teaching staff depending on the situation.

"However, this is a prediction made based on the constant teacher-student ratio, and if the teacher-student ratio is increased and the class size is reduced, there will be no more teachers." Xiong Bingqi believes that as the number of eligible students decreases, efforts should be made to promote the construction of small schools and classes, improve school construction standards and teacher-student ratio, implement small class teaching, and thus build a high-quality basic education system.

For pilot areas that implement teacher decentralization, Xiong Bingqi suggests that schools must be clear about equal pay for equal work and ensure equal treatment for non permanent teachers and permanent teachers.

This article is from the WeChat official account: Time Weekly (ID: timeweekly), written by Zeng Siyi, edited by Li Guang

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本文来自微信公众号:时代周报 (ID:timeweekly),作者:曾思怡,编辑:黎广,原文标题:《没编制的教师岗在厦门不香了?行内:该考的还是考,“有的依旧挤破头”》,题图来源:视觉中国


•  厦门教师岗位取消编制,采用参聘制,引发社会热议

•  公立学校薪酬高,吸引力不减,教师岗位依旧受欢迎

•  教师去编化可能导致教育资源向私立院校倾斜,需要谨慎对待

































本文来自微信公众号:时代周报 (ID:timeweekly),作者:曾思怡,编辑:黎广

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