
The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)


The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Fresh Jujube Classroom 2024/10/19 12:33:04 Editor: Mengze Comment: 17

In recent years, driven by the wave of innovation and entrepreneurship, domestic operating systems have achieved very good development results. Domestic operating system brands represented by Kirin, Tongxin, HarmonyOS, etc. are increasingly appearing in our field of vision.

So, when did research on operating systems start in China? What stages of development have domestic operating systems gone through in recent years? What is the current state of our domestic operating system?

Next, please follow Xiaozao Jun's words and review the ups and downs of domestic operating systems together.

1968-1982: budding stage

In the 1946's, the world's earliest general-purpose electronic computer ENIAC was born in the United States, marking the official entry of humanity into the computer age. However, at that time, computers did not have an operating system and could only rely on manual interaction through punched paper tape.

In the 1950s, with the development of technology, batch processing systems began to emerge. In 1956, the GM-NAAI/O single pass batch processing system equipped on the IBM 704 was considered the world's first computer operating system.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

IBM 704

Our country's computer research began in the 1950s.

In 1952, during the adjustment of universities and departments across the country, Hua Luogeng, a famous mathematician, established China's first electronic computer research group at the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At that time, the main focus in China was to learn Soviet computer technology and imitate it.

In August 1958 and September 1959, China's first small-scale electronic tube digital computer (103 computer) and the first large-scale general-purpose electronic tube digital computer (104 computer) were successfully developed, marking the official start of China's computer industry. However, at this time our operating system is still blank.

In the 1960s, commercial mainframe computers represented by IBM System/360 became widely used in various industries in the United States, bringing about significant efficiency improvements. This trend has been observed domestically and the pace of computer development has been accelerated.

In 1968, in order to meet the needs of oil exploration, the Ministry of Petroleum and the Ministry of Machinery Industry jointly established the 150 Project and decided to develop a large-scale computer.

On August 26, 1973, the 150 Project achieved a significant breakthrough. With the joint efforts of Peking University and 738 Factory, China's first million run integrated circuit computer DJS-11 machine (i.e. 150 machines) was successfully developed and delivered smoothly.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

150 machines

This 150 machine is equipped with China's first operating system. Let's call it the 150 machine system for now.

The 150 machine system is a multi pass batch processing system (as is the IBM System/360 system). Its developers are experts such as Yang Fuqing, Yu Shiwen, Xu Lianfang, and Chen Chengsen from Peking University. Yang Fuqing later became the head of the Department of Computer Science at Peking University and was successfully elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Yang Fuqing

After the successful development of the 150 machine, it was delivered to the Ministry of Petroleum for use, making an important contribution to the national petroleum industry. It has also been applied in fields such as geology and meteorology (a total of 4 were built), and has played a significant role.

Later, Yang Fuqing and others continued to lead the development of operating systems for subsequent models such as the 240 aircraft, mainly used in the fields of national defense. It is worth mentioning that the system of the 240 machine is all written in high-level languages (called XCY language, where X represents Xu Jiafu from Nanjing University, Y represents Yang Fuqing from Peking University, and C may represent Zhong Cuihao from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences).

In the 1970s, computer technology abroad was still developing rapidly. In 1973, when the 150 machine was born, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie from Bell Labs in the United States jointly developed the Unix operating system, bringing operating system technology into a new era.

In 1979, the Unix operating system was introduced in China and some analysis and research were conducted, but the results were limited.

█ 1983-1998: Initial stage

In the 1980s, there were new changes in the situation.

In 1981, IBM launched the IBM PC, which sparked a wave of miniaturization and popularization of computers. The operating system used by IBM PC is MS-DOS from Microsoft.

In February 1983, the National Computer Industry Administration of the Ministry of Electronics Industry held a national computer coordination work conference in Jiuxianqiao, preparing to refer to IBM PC, develop domestically produced PC, and name it Great Wall PC.

At that time, Yan Yuanchao from the Sixth Institute of the Ministry of Electronics was responsible for developing the operating system for the Great Wall PC.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Yan Yuanchao (later became the Chief Engineer of Sina.com)

It is not very realistic to write a brand new operating system in the short term. The method adopted by Yan Yuanchao was based on the DOS kernel, which localized the input and output modules.

He led three college students and one vocational school student, and after several months of hard work (reportedly only eating one dinner a day and sleeping for 3-4 hours), finally came up with the first Chinese operating system compatible with PCs in China - CCDOS - at the end of August 1983.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Installation disk and user manual for CCDOS

CC is an abbreviation of the pinyin letter ChangCheng for "Great Wall", which can also be understood as an abbreviation for "Chinese Characters". Because it expanded the BIOS functionality of DOS, it is also called CC-BIOS.

In December 1983, the Sixth Institute of the Ministry of Electronics successfully developed a microcomputer - the Great Wall 100 (DJS-0520 microcomputer, specifically the 0520B and A-type machines).

In June 1985, Lu Ming and others from the Sixth Institute of the Ministry of Electronics successfully developed the first domestically produced microcomputer with the ability to display Chinese characters using a character generator and complete Chinese information processing capabilities - the Great Wall 0520CH.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Great Wall 0520CH

The Great Wall 0520CH has a milestone significance in the history of Chinese IT and has also been rated as one of the top 10 global meritorious computers by the industry. Later on, due to institutional reforms, many key personnel from the six institutes left and established the China Computer Development Corporation, which later became the Great Wall Group.

In November 1985, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed the Lenovo style Chinese character microcomputer LX-PC system. This system can support Chinese language on IBM-PC and compatible computers by installing Lenovo style Han card and Chinese operating system. Later, the computing company that mainly sold Lenovo Hanka became the predecessor of Lenovo Group.

The above is the conclusion, let's return to CCDOS.

After the launch of CCDOS, there was a wave of software localization. Many popular software programs internationally, such as BASIC, DBase, AutoCAD, WordStar, etc., have also been translated into Chinese. This has to some extent promoted the popularity of PCs in China.

Later, Wu Xiaojun from Beijing Third Chemical Plant transformed CCDOS and launched the famous CCDOS 2.13. Beijing Hope Group's Baoyue Bridge developed UCDOS in the 1990s. These various Chinese versions of DOS have occupied the vast majority of the domestic market and played an important role in the widespread adoption of PCs.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

UCDOS version 3.1

Sinicizing DOS, although convenient to use, has issues from a copyright perspective. During that period, China was also exploring how to develop a truly domestically produced operating system with independent copyright.

In 1989, Zeng Peiyan, then Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, visited Brazil. During his visit, he accidentally learned that Brazil had invested $30 million to develop a Unix based operating system called COBRA.

Since Brazil can do it, why can't we do it? "- After returning to China, Zeng Peiyan immediately applied for a research project on China's independent copyright operating system and included it in the Eighth Five Year Plan for Science and Technology.

The research project was undertaken by China Computer Services Corporation, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and China Software Technology Corporation (later merged into China Computer Software and Technology Services Corporation).

They purchased the kernel source code of Unix System V R4.0, localized it, added enhanced security mechanisms, and revamped it to release COSIX V1.0.

COSIX, C "stands for Chinese, OS stands for Open System or Operating System, and IX stands for UNIX based. Overall, it is a Chinese open operating system based on UNIX.

In April 1993, COSIX V1.0 passed the mid-term evaluation organized by the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Experts believe that the system is a "commercially available universal multi-user operating system that meets international standards", "has 66 operating system commands with independent copyright in China", and "partially achieves or exceeds the performance of similar foreign products".

In 1994-95, COSIX V1.1 and COSIX V2.0 were also launched successively and passed national acceptance.

COSIX's technology is constantly improving. Unfortunately, in the ecosystem, COSIX did not receive sufficient software and hardware support, and therefore was not accepted by the market, resulting in low sales and usage.

More importantly, in the 1990s, Microsoft's Windows graphical operating system gradually became popular, eroding the market for Chinese versions of DOS and COSIX.

In 1991, Wang Zhidong graduated from the Department of Radio Electronics at Peking University and worked at Peking University Founder (later founded Sina.com). After more than a year of closed door development, he created the first practical Windows 3.0 Chinese environment in China - BDWin3.0.

In April 1994, Microsoft launched a Chinese version of Windows 3.2 specifically for the Chinese market. In 1995, Microsoft also launched the classic Windows 95 operating system (supporting Chinese).

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Chinese version of Windows 3.2

This series of changes basically declared the end of the fate of the Chinese version of DOS and COSIX. A brand new era has arrived.

From 1999 to 2008: The First Wave

In 1999, the Kosovo War broke out. NATO used information warfare methods such as cyber attacks during the war, which dealt devastating blows to the military and civilian systems of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, causing great shock to the country. The bombing of the Chinese Embassy by NATO completely angered countrymen and brought Sino US relations to a freezing point.

More and more Chinese people are beginning to realize that the key technologies of IT software and hardware must be in their own hands. No matter how good someone else's things are, they are also theirs. If you say you won't use them, you won't use them, and there may be Trojan horses, backdoors, and viruses hidden inside.

In addition to safety, the high prices brought by monopolies are also one of the reasons why China is considering independent research and development. Taking Windows as an example, Microsoft's pre installed system quotation to the government is 4000 yuan per set and refuses to lower the price.

At that time, Xu Guanhua, the Minister of Science and Technology of China, pointed out bluntly that the domestic technology industry lacked chips and soul. The chip is the core, and the soul is the operating system.

Academician Ni Guangnan also wrote in the People's Daily that "as a country with a population of 1.2 billion, autonomous operating systems cannot be neglected or delayed. We should demonstrate the spirit of developing 'two bombs and one satellite' in the past to do this.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Ni Guangnan

Countrymen's enthusiasm for independent research and development of operating systems has been completely ignited. Relevant units have taken action and invested in the path of independent research and development.

In this wave, almost all enterprises chose the Linux route, which was then in the stage of rapid rise.

In 1991, 21-year-old college student Linus Torvalds from Helsinki, Finland, developed a Linux kernel with 10000 lines of code. Later, global developers made extensive modifications and additions to the kernel code, including the addition of graphical interfaces, applications, and other components, resulting in a large number of Linux operating system distributions.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

In 1994, Gong Min, who was studying for a PhD at Helsinki University of Technology in Finland, returned to his home country for vacation. He carried back 20 disks and stored 80GB of free software. This includes Linux. This is the first time Linux has arrived in China.

The Linux kernel is open source, following the GPL (General Public License) license and the GNU principles of the free software system. All content is open and can be freely copied, modified, and sold. So, from a domestic perspective, it has transparent code, a basic ecosystem, no copyright fees, and is not controlled by the United States, making it the best platform for secondary development.

In 1999, domestic operating systems experienced their first true explosion. Many domestic operating systems, represented by Xteam Linux, Blue Dot Linux, Red Flag Linux, and Zhongruan Linux, have entered the historical stage.

Next, Xiaozao Jun will introduce these systems separately (let's call them "domestic Linux" for now, sorted by release time).

Xteam Linux (Surfing Linux)

On April 8, 1999, Xteam Linux 1.0, China's first domestically produced operating system based on Linux/Fedora, was officially released at a price of 48 yuan per set, attracting market attention.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

Xteam Linux is developed by the private enterprise Beijing Surfing Platform Software Technology Co., Ltd. At the end of 2000, Beijing Surfing Software was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and rose 265.79% in 24 trading days.

Red Flag Linux

I believe many people have heard of the name Red Flag Linux. One of its driving forces is the aforementioned academician Ni Guangnan.

In 1999, Ni Guangnan left Lenovo and returned to the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At that time, he did not give up his dream and still hoped to establish China's own software and hardware industry system.

Shortly after, a person named Li Delei came to the door to discuss cooperation. Li Delei studied in Canada and also worked at Motorola and Hitachi Semiconductor. At that time, he founded a company called Ark Technology, which had certain chip technology and talent reserves.

After communication, Ni Guangnan had a preliminary idea - to develop the "Ark CPU+Linux system" to counter the Wintel architecture.

In August 1999, under the guidance and promotion of experts such as Ni Guangnan, and with the support of Sun Yufang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Software successfully developed a Linux based autonomous operating system - Red Flag Linux 1.0 version.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

In June 2000, the Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Lianchuang jointly invested 960000 US dollars to establish Beijing Zhongke Hongqi, and released the desktop version, workstation version, data center server version, HA cluster version, and embedded Hongqi Linux.

BluePoint Linux

On September 7, 1999, several members of the well-known kernel hacking group OpenUnix Network Studio initiated the establishment of Shenzhen Xinkesi Company (Blue Dot). On October 1st, the company released Blue Dot Linux 1.0 based on Red Hat Linux.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

The blue dot chooses the OEM route, which means providing pre installation for PC manufacturers. Their partners include large enterprises such as TCL.

After its establishment, they quickly won three OEM orders, with monthly shipments exceeding 150000 sets, and became the largest supplier of Chinese Linux, accounting for over 80% of the domestic market share.

On March 7, 2000, BluePoint Linux Software (BLPT) successfully went public on NASDAQ in the United States through a backdoor listing, with its stock price rising 400% on the first day and a market value exceeding $400 million.

Zhongruan Linux

Zhongruan Linux comes from China Software Corporation. That's right, it's the China Computer Software and Technology Services Corporation that started COSIX earlier.

China Software Corporation was originally under the Ministry of Electronics Industry and was transferred to China Electronics Information Industry Corporation (CEC) in 1994. After COSIX couldn't continue, they also set their sights on Linux and began to focus on researching COSIX based on Linux. In 1999, China Software Corporation launched the "COSIX Linux" V1.0 version based on the Linux kernel.

The ups and downs of domestic operating systems (Part 1)

In 2002, Zhongsoft released version 4.0 of Zhongsoft Linux, which supported the first domestically produced CPU chip - Loongson 1.

The above four companies were representatives of the domestic Linux operating system at that time. In fact, there are dozens of similar products. These domestically produced Linux systems have created an unprecedentedly lively scene, as if overnight, domestic operating systems have risen to prominence.

Faced with such a scene, the government is also quite excited and agitated.

In the first round of genuine procurement by the Chinese government in 2001, Yu Cisheng, director of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, led a sensational move by kicking Microsoft out and choosing domestically produced software such as Zhongruan Linux, Hongqi Linux, Yongzhong Office, and Kingsoft WPS. (Shortly after, Microsoft China President Gao Qunyao resigned, reportedly related to this matter. There are also claims that former US Secretary of State Kissinger specifically called to plead for mercy over this matter.)

At the civilian market level, PC manufacturers (whether domestic or foreign) also welcome domestic and foreign Linux distributions. Because the pre installation cost of Windows is too high, pre installing Linux system can effectively reduce the factory price.

The trend of domestic Linux is becoming increasingly fierce. According to Liu Bo, the president of Zhongke Hongqi at the time, the usage of Linux in China increased 3-4 times in 2000 compared to 1999, reaching 1 million sets.

However, the story that followed greatly exceeded people's expectations. Domestic Linux not only failed to rise, but also rapidly declined and entered a decline.

The main reasons come from two aspects:

One reason is that the domestic Linux operating system is really poorly developed (released so quickly, I don't think it will be too good), with severe lag and not in line with traditional Windows usage habits, resulting in a poor user experience.

Secondly, the ecosystem of domestic Linux has not been established at all, and many software cannot be installed and hardware cannot be used, seriously affecting the normal use of users.

So many users uninstalled domestic Linux and replaced it with pirated Windows. The usage of domestic Linux has significantly decreased, and its reputation has rapidly collapsed.

The four major domestic Linux mentioned above did not have a good ending.

Firstly, Xteam Linux.

In 2003, Xteam Linux announced the cessation of updates, causing its stock price to plummet by 90%. Later, the company withdrew from the operating system field and its stock price remained below 0.10 yuan for a long time.

Red Flag Linux on this side.

In 2001, under the leadership and support of Ni Guangnan, Ark Technology manufactured the first embedded chip - Ark One. Later, due to a lack of business philosophy, Ni Guangnan quickly withdrew from Ark Technology. (Regarding this past event, in 2018, Ni Guangnan's assistant Liang Ning wrote a special article titled "A History of Domestic Chips and Operating Systems," which caused a sensation.)

Zhongke Hongqi persisted for several years. At the end of 2013, Zhongke Hongqi exposed issues of broken funding chains and workers' wage demands. In 2014, the company underwent dissolution and liquidation. Subsequently, in August, the company was acquired by Wujia Wanjing Information Industry Group.

Fortunately, the red flag has not fallen. The acquirer retains the Red Flag Linux brand and continues to undertake product research and development, sales, and services related to Red Flag Linux.

Blue Dot Linux failed earliest and most thoroughly.

At the end of 2001, Deng Yu, the president of Blue Dot Company, sold the company's shares at a low price. Shortly thereafter, other founders of the company also sold their shares. The company is undergoing a transformation to develop application equipment and systems related to the automotive industry.

In 2002, under the impact of the collapse of the Internet foam, Blue Dot's share price fell to 0.08 cents, leaving the US market sadly.

The fate of Zhongruan Linux is quite unique. In 2003, the Linux operating system research and development division of Zhongruan became independent and established Zhongbiao Software. Later, we will talk about its story again.

The first wave of domestic operating systems failed. So, where should we go next? When will the second wave arrive? Can it succeed?

This article is from WeChat official account: WeChat official account (ID: null), by Xiao Zaojun

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 鲜枣课堂 2024/10/19 12:33:04 责编:梦泽




█ 1968-1982 年:萌芽阶段

1946 年代,世界上最早的通用电子计算机 ENIAC 在美国诞生,标志着人类正式进入了计算机时代。但是,当时的计算机,是没有操作系统的,只能靠人工通过穿孔纸带进行交互操作。

到了 1950 年代,随着技术的发展,才开始出现了“批处理系统”。1956 年,IBM 704 搭载的 GM-NAAI/O 单道批处理系统,被认为世界上第一个计算机操作系统。

IBM 704

我们国家的计算机研究,起步于 1950 年代。

1952 年,在全国大学院系调整时,著名数学家华罗庚在中国科学院数学研究所,建立了中国第一个电子计算机科研小组。当时,国内主要是学习苏联的计算机技术,进行仿造。

1958 年 8 月和 1959 年 9 月,中国第一台小型电子管数字计算机(103 计算机)和第一台大型通用电子管数字计算机(104 计算机)研制成功,标志着中国计算机事业正式起步。但是,此时我们的操作系统仍是一片空白。

进入 1960 年代,以 IBM System / 360 为代表的商用大型计算机,在美国各个行业全面普及,带来巨大的效率提升。国内观察到了这一趋势,并加快了计算机的研制步伐。

1968 年,国家为了勘探石油的需要,由石油部、四机部共同设立了 150 工程,决定研制一台大型计算机。

1973 年 8 月 26 日,150 工程获得重大突破。在北京大学和 738 厂的联合努力下,中国第一台百万次集成电路计算机 DJS-11 机(即 150 机)研制成功,顺利出厂。

150 机

这台 150 机上,搭载了中国第一套操作系统。我们姑且称它为 150 机系统吧。

150 机系统是一个多道批处理系统(IBM System / 360 系统也是)。它的开发者,是来自北大的杨芙清、俞士汶、徐联舫、陈成森等专家。杨芙清后来担任了北大计算机系主任,1991 年还成功当选中科院院士。


150 机开发成功后,交付石油部使用,为国家石油工业做出了重要贡献。它还被应用于地质、气象等领域(一共造了 4 台),也发挥了不小的作用。

后来,杨芙清等人继续牵头了 240 机等后续机型操作系统的研发,主要用于国防等领域。值得一提的是,240 机的系统,全部是由高级语言进行编写的(叫做 XCY 语言,X 表示南大徐家福,Y 代表北大杨芙清,C 可能代表中科院计算所仲萃豪)。

1970 年代,国外的计算机技术仍在高速发展。就在 150 机诞生的 1973 年,美国贝尔实验室的肯・汤普森和丹尼斯.里奇共同开发出了 Unix 操作系统,将操作系统技术带入了一个全新的时代。

1979 年,国内引进了 Unix 操作系统,并进行了一些分析研究,但成果有限。

1983-1998 年:起步阶段

进入 1980 年代,情况又发生了新的变化。

1981 年,美国 IBM 公司推出了 IBM PC,掀起了计算机小型化、普及化的浪潮。IBM PC 使用的操作系统,是来自微软的 MS-DOS。

1983 年 2 月,电子工业部国家计算机工业管理局在酒仙桥召开全国计算机协调工作会议,准备参考 IBM PC,研制国产化的 PC,并将其定名为长城 PC。

当时,负责给长城 PC 开发操作系统的,是电子部六所的严援朝。


在短期内写一个全新的操作系统是不太现实的。严援朝所采用的方式,是基于 DOS 的内核,对输入输出模块进行汉化。

他带着三个大学生和一个中专生,经过几个月的奋战(据说每天只吃 1 顿晚饭,只睡 3-4 个小时),终于在 1983 年 8 月底,拿出了国内第一套 PC 兼容机的中文操作系统 ——CCDOS

CCDOS 的安装盘和使用手册

CC 是 "长城" 拼音字母 ChangCheng 的缩写,也可以理解为“汉字(Chinese Characters)”的缩写。因为它对 DOS 的 BIOS 部分功能进行了扩充,所以也被叫做 CC-BIOS。

1983 年 12 月,电子部六所成功开发了微型计算机 —— 长城 100(DJS-0520 微机,具体来说,是 0520B 型机和 A 型机)。

1985 年 6 月,电子部六所的卢明等人,又成功研制出第一台具有字符发生器汉字显示能力、具备完整中文信息处理功能的国产微机 —— 长城 0520CH。

长城 0520CH

长城 0520CH 在中国 IT 史上具有里程碑式的意义,也被业界评为全球 10 大功勋计算机。后来体制化改革,六所很多骨干离开,成立了中国计算机发展公司,也就是后来的长城集团。

1985 年 11 月,中科院计算所研制成功联想式汉字微型机 LX-PC 系统。该系统可以在 IBM-PC 以及兼容机的基础上,通过安装联想式汉卡和汉化操作系统,实现对中文的支持。后来,销售联想汉卡为主的计算所公司,成为了联想集团的前身。

以上是后话,我们回到 CCDOS。

CCDOS 推出之后,掀起了软件汉化的热潮。国际上很多流行软件,例如 BASIC、DBase、AutoCAD、WordStar 等,也纷纷被汉化。这一定程度上推动了 PC 在国内的普及。

后来,北京化工三厂的吴晓军对 CCDOS 进行了改造,推出了著名的 CCDOS 2.13。北京希望集团的鲍岳桥,则在 1990 年代开发了 UCDOS。这些形形色色的中文版 DOS,占据了国内绝大部分市场,也对 PC 规模普及起到了重要作用。

UCDOS 版本 3.1

针对 DOS 进行汉化,虽然方便了使用,但从版权的角度来说,是存在问题的。那一时期,国内也在探索,如何开发具有自主版权的真正国产操作系统。

1989 年,时任机电部副部长曾培炎前往巴西访问。在访问期间,他偶然了解到,巴西投资了 3000 万美元,开发出一款基于 Unix 的操作系统,名为 COBRA。

“既然巴西能做,我们为什么不能做?”—— 回国后,曾培炎立刻申请立项了我国自主版权操作系统的研究项目,并列入了八五科学技术攻关计划。


他们购买了 Unix System V R4.0 的内核源码,做了汉化,加上了增强版的安全机制,改造推出了 COSIX V1.0

COSIX,“C”代表中文(Chinese),OS 代表开放系统或操作系统(Open System,Operating System),IX 代表基于 UNIX。综合一下,就是基于 UNIX 的中文开放式操作系统。

1993 年 4 月,COSIX V1.0 通过了电子工业部以及中科院组织的中期评估。专家认为该系统:“符合国际标准的商品化的通用多用户操作系统”,“具有我国自主版权的 66 条操作系统命令”,“部分性能达到或超过国外同类产品”。

1994-95 年,COSIX V1.1 和 COSIX V2.0 也相继推出,并通过了国家验收。

COSIX 的技术在不断完善。可惜的是,在生态端,COSIX 没有得到足够多的软硬件支持,因此并未被市场所接受,销量和使用量低迷。

更关键的是,进入 1990 年代,微软的 Windows 图形化操作系统逐渐开始流行,蚕食了汉化版 DOS 和 COSIX 的市场。

1991 年,毕业于北大无线电电子学系、就职于北大方正的王志东(后来创办了新浪网),经过一年多的闭关开发,做出了国内第一个实用化 Windows3.0 中文环境 ——BDWin3.0。

1994 年 4 月,微软公司针对中国市场,专门推出了中文版 Windows 3.2。1995 年,微软更是推出了经典的 Windows 95 操作系统(支持中文)。

中文版 Windows 3.2

这一系列变化,基本宣告汉化版 DOS 和 COSIX 命运终结。一个全新的时代,到来了。

1999-2008 年:第一次浪潮

1999 年,科索沃战争爆发。北约在战争中采用网络攻击等信息战手段,对南联盟军用及民用系统进行了毁灭性的打击,带给国内极大的震撼。北约轰炸中国大使馆事件,更是彻底激怒了国人,也将中美关系降至冰点。

越来越多的中国人开始意识到,IT 软硬件关键技术,必须掌握在自己手里。别人的东西再好,也是别人的,说不给你用,就不给你用,而且可能在里面藏了木马、后门、病毒。

除了安全之外,垄断所带来的高昂价格,也是国内开始考虑自主研发的原因之一。以 Windows 为例,微软给政府的系统预装报价,是 4000 元一套,且拒绝降价。

当时,国家科技部部长徐冠华一针见血地指出 —— 国内的科技产业“缺芯少魂”。芯是芯片,魂即是操作系统。




这次浪潮,几乎所有企业都选择了当时正处于高速崛起阶段的 Linux 路线。

1991 年,芬兰赫尔辛基的 21 岁大学生林纳斯・托瓦兹,开发了拥有 10000 行代码的 Linux 内核。后来,全球开发者对内核代码进行大量的修改和补充,加入图形界面、应用等部分,形成了大量的 Linux 操作系统发行版。

1994 年,在芬兰赫尔辛基理工大学读博士的宫敏回国休假,人肉背回了 20 张磁盘,存储了 80GB 的自由软件。这其中,就包括了 Linux。这是 Linux 第一次来到中国。

Linux 内核是开源的,遵循 GPL(通用公共许可证)协议和自由软件体系 GNU 宗旨,所有内容开放,可以自由拷贝、修改和销售。所以,在国内看来,它代码透明,有基本的生态,且没有版权费用,也不受美国控制,是最好的二次开发平台。

1999 年,国产操作系统迎来了第一次真正的爆发。以 Xteam Linux、蓝点 Linux、红旗 Linux、中软 Linux 为代表的众多国产操作系统,走上了历史舞台。

接下来,小枣君就分别介绍一下这几个系统(姑且把它们称为“国产 Linux”吧,以下按发布时间排序)。

  • Xteam Linux(冲浪 Linux)

1999 年 4 月 8 日,中国第一款基于 Linux / Fedora 的国产操作系统 Xteam Linux 1.0 正式发布,单套售价 48 元,引发市场关注。

Xteam Linux 由民营企业北京冲浪平台软件技术有限公司开发。2000 年底,北京冲浪软件在港交所挂牌上市,并在 24 个交易日内上涨 265.79%。

  • 红旗 Linux

红旗 Linux 的大名,相信很多人都听说过。它的推动人之一,正是前面提到的倪光南院士。

1999 年,倪光南离开联想,回到中国科学院计算技术研究所。当时,他并没有放弃自己的梦想,仍希望能够建立中国自己的软硬件产业体系。


沟通后,倪光南有了初步想法 —— 通过研发“方舟 CPU+Linux 系统”,以此来对抗 Wintel 架构。

1999 年 8 月,在倪光南等专家的指导和推动下,在中科院软件研究所副所长孙玉芳等支持下,软件所成功研发了基于 Linux 的自主操作系统 —— 红旗 Linux 1.0 版。

2000 年 6 月,中科院软件研究所和上海联创共同出资 96 万美元,组建北京中科红旗,发布桌面版、工作站版、数据中心服务器版、HA 集群版和嵌入式的红旗 Linux。

  • BluePoint Linux(蓝点 Linux)

1999 年 9 月 7 日,行业知名内核黑客小组 OpenUnix Network Studio 的几个成员,发起成立了深圳信科思公司(蓝点)。10 月 1 日,该公司发布了基于红帽 Linux 的蓝点 Linux 1.0。

蓝点选择的是 OEM 路线,也就是给 PC 厂家提供预装。他们的合作对象,包括 TCL 等大企业。

成立后,他们很快拿下了三个 OEM 大单,每月出货量突破 15 万套,一跃成为中文 Linux 最大的供应商,占国内市场份额的 80% 以上。

2000 年 3 月 7 日,BluePoint Linux Software(BLPT)通过借壳方式成功在美国纳斯达克上市,第一天股价就上涨 400%,市值超过 4 亿美元。

  • 中软 Linux

中软 Linux 出自于中国软件总公司。没错,就是前面搞 COSIX 的中国计算机软件与技术服务总公司。

中国软件总公司原本隶属电子工业部,1994 年划转中国电子信息产业集团(CEC)。COSIX 搞不下去之后,他们也盯上了 Linux,开始转向研究基于 Linux 的 COSIX。1999 年,中软总公司推出基于 Linux 内核的“中软 Linux”(COSIX Linux) V1.0 版本。

2002 年,中软发布了中软 Linux 4.0 版本,支持首款国产 CPU 芯片 —— 龙芯 1 号。

以上四家,是当时国产 Linux 操作系统的代表。事实上,类似的产品多达几十种。这些国产 Linux,构成了一个空前热闹的场面,似乎一夜之间,国产操作系统就“雄起”了。


2001 年,在中国政府首轮正版化采购中,北京市科委主任俞慈声带头干了一件轰动的事情:将微软踢出局,选择了中软 Linux、红旗 Linux、永中 Office、金山 WPS 等在内的国产化软件。(不久后,微软中国总裁高群耀辞职,据说就和这件事有关。还有说法,说是美国前国务卿基辛格都为这件事,专门打了电话求情。)

在民用市场层面,对国产及国外 Linux 发行版,PC 厂商们(不管是国内厂商还是国外厂商)也非常欢迎。因为 Windows 的预装成本太高,预装 Linux 系统,可以有效降低出厂价格。

国产 Linux 浪潮愈演愈烈。根据当时中科红旗总裁刘博的说法,2000 年国内 Linux 的使用量比 1999 年增加 3~4 倍,达到 100 万套。

然而,后面发生的故事,却大大出乎人们的预料。国产 Linux 不仅没有崛起,反而迅速下滑,走向衰退。


一是国产 Linux 操作系统实在做得太糟糕(推出时间那么快,想想也不会太好),卡顿严重,且不符合传统 Windows 使用习惯,用户体验很差。

二是国产 Linux 的生态完全没有建设起来,很多软件都装不了,硬件也用不了,严重影响了用户的正常使用。

于是,很多用户卸载了国产 Linux,装回了盗版 Windows。国产 Linux 的使用量大幅下降,且口碑迅速崩塌。

上面提到的四大国产 Linux,结局都不太好。

首先是 Xteam Linux。

2003 年,Xteam Linux 宣布停止更新,股价应声暴跌 90%。后来,该公司退出操作系统领域,且股价长期低于 0.10 元。

红旗 Linux 这边。

2001 年,在倪光南的带领和支持下,方舟科技制造出了第一片嵌入式芯片 —— 方舟一号。后来,因为经营理念不合,倪光南很快退出了方舟科技。(关于这段往事,2018 年倪光南当年的助理梁宁专门写了一篇文章《一段关于国产芯片和操作系统的往事》,还引起了轰动。)

中科红旗继续坚持了好几年。2013 年年底,中科红旗爆出资金链断裂问题和工人“讨薪”事件。2014 年,公司进行解散清算。随后,在 8 月份,公司被五甲万京信息产业集团收购。

庆幸的是,红旗未倒。收购方保留了红旗 Linux 品牌,继续承担红旗 Linux 相关的产品研发、销售以及服务等工作。

蓝点 Linux 失败最早,也最彻底。

2001 年底,蓝点公司总裁邓煜将公司股份低价出售。不久后,公司其他创始人也把自己的股份出售。公司开始转型,做汽车行业相关应用设备与系统的开发。

2002 年,在互联网泡沫破碎的冲击下,蓝点股价跌至 0.08 美分,黯然退出美国市场。

中软 Linux 的命运比较特别。2003 年,中软 Linux 操作系统研发事业部独立出来,成立了中标软件。后面,我们会再讲到它的故事。




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